Tips for Adding Google Adsense to a Blogspot Blogger Blog
Use the Google Adsense Heat Map Placement Guide
First take a look at the Google Adsense Heat Map that shows you the hot and cold positions of Google Adsense ad placement. Notice that a lot of the primary positions where you would put Google Adsense are around the main content. If you use this Google Adsense Heat Map as a guide to your Adsense placement you will start to earn extra money from your ad units.
Decide on How Many Adsense Ads?
Just because Google Adsense rules allow more than three ad units per page doesn't necessarily mean it is a good idea to put more than three on a page. If your blog is fairly new and your traffic low at this stage more than two maybe overkill.
One strategy is to position your ad units by placing one above the first post or around the title and another at the foot of the post. This placement strategy has worked successfully for me in the past.Best and Worst Performing Google Adsense Ad Units
- I have found that my best performing Google Adsense ad units is 336x280. This sized unit has been very successful in the position above the post and under the post title. Both of these areas are Adsense hotspots as depicted in orange. If this size is not an option you could try a 728x90 leaderboard which is a high performance unit too.
- I don't particularly like a 468x60 Adsense ad unit in the header. I haven't found this a particularly high performing unit either. Instead I now reserve this slot for my favorite affiliate banner rather than an Adsense ad unit
- All my Adsense vertical skyscraper ad units such as 160x600 in the sidebar of my blogs have been a waste of time and I have now gotten rid of them. Notice how this is borne out by the white low performing area of the Blogger sidebar
- I have had mixed success with the linked units such as 728x15 in the Blogger header. They do work on some blogs where there is no navigation menu so I have decided to keep them on in the meantime.
(Update 2020: Google Adsense now allow a lot more ad units since I wrote this. If you don't want to think too much about ad placement consider using Google Adsense Auto Ads. If you are intent on customizing your Google Adsense ads the Google Adsense heatmap still pretty much applies as a guide to ad placement.)
In this post I have given you the benefit of my experience with respect to strategically placing Google Adsense ad units on a Blogger blog to earn extra money. I strongly suggest following the Google Adsense Heat Map which is an authoritative guide to ad unit placement. If you want to earn extra money try out a 336x280 unit and dispense with any sidebar skyscrapers and 468x60 header banners unless you are sure they are actually good earners. Any questions or if you would like to let me know how you get on please don't hesitate to comment.
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